Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Like Stones in the River

Yesterday morning, several other missionaries and myself journeyed to see the falls of the Popo Agie river. As I watched the water flow powerfully downstream, I found myself in awe of the majesty and beauty of this earth that God has created for us. I sat quietly and pondered the different experiences I have had in my life, and as I was doing so I noticed the rocks that lied about around the edge of the river. All of them were smooth with no jacket edges. They were refined.

Doug Walker wrote a song, that came to my rememberance as I was watching the river run it's course, called "Stones in the River." In the song he explains that though we go through many trials in our lives, if we put ourselves in God's hands he will refine us like the stones that I saw yesterday in the Popo Agie river.

Sometimes the current of life tosses and turns us, but as we flow through the course of life that is laid before us, our rough edges break away. We become more like our Savior Jesus Christ as we allow our trials to strengthen us and as we have faith and trust in the living water, Jesus Christ. However, sometimes we allow ourselves to be washed ashore before the water removes our edges and polishes our surface. We lose faith in our savior and refuse to learn from the trials in our lives. We lose sight of what we can become and are left on the banks of the river in a place where we cannot move and cannot progress.

The only way for us to return to the path of progression is if someone lifts us and puts us back in the path of the rushing river. Luckily, we have a loving Savior who is walking down the banks of the river waiting for us to pray and ask him to put us back into the water. If we turn to the Lord, we will become polished, smooth, and reach our full potential. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life's Belly Aches

Yesterday, I took the "Belly Ache" challenge at a local ice cream shop called Ken and Betty's here in Lander, Wyoming. The challenge requires that the participant eats ten giant scoops of ice cream with toppings, whipped cream, and a cherry on each scoop. The estimated weight of the frozen dessert is around seven pounds. The goal is for the participant to finish the entire dish by his or herself. There is no time limit (Thank Goodness), and if the the participant completes the daunting task then their picture and name rests on the wall of fame, and they receive a T-shirt stating their victory. 

As I began to devour the monstrosity that laid before me, it became very clear that the task at hand was not going to be as easy as I had once thought. With each bite I took of the cold concoction, I felt my stomach turn. In a repetitive motion I filled the spoon with ice cream then placed it in my mouth.

Before too long, I had plowed my way through half of the plate of ice cream. My confidence grew and I honestly felt as though I could finish the ginormous plate of dessert. I ate, and ate and..... ate. After what seemed like an eternity I only had two scoops left. My confidence at this point had weakened and doubt began to enter into my mind. Slowly, I continued to fill the spoon, and placed the frozen treat into my sore mouth.

Finally, I had only a couple bites left. However, every time I put the spoon near my mouth I felt completely nauseous. I stared at the last couple of bites for a loooooonnng time. My stomach was becoming increasingly upset. Finally I had to grab the garbage can and lean my head over the opening. After a few seconds with my head over the garbage can, I was met with mercy as the 6.99 pounds of ice cream I had just consumed left my body and found it's place on the bottom of the garbage bag. After two or three upheavals of semi-digested ice cream, I regained composure and finished the last two bites of ice cream that were left on my plate.  I had made it to the end. Though I didn't make it to the end the way that I originally intended to, I was still allowed to have my picture and name placed on the wall of fame and receive a T-shirt reflecting my ungraceful defeat of the challenge.

Just like the "Belly Ache" challenge, we are often faced with daunting tasks in our everyday life. As we push forward on our own, relief from the stress that accompanies the task often seems impossible to find. However, as we continue to do the best that we know how, and allow the Lord to help us shoulder our burdens, the relief does come. The Book of Mormon testifies that the savior Jesus Christ will visit us during our afflictions. "And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." (Mosiah 24:14). After I finally found relief during the challenge, I was able to find the end easily. The Lord give us relief and help us to endure to the end if we allow him to. However, we must do our part.

Another prophet in the Book of Mormon teaches us,"For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do."  Just as in life, if I would have given up half way through the challenge, I would not have experienced the relief neither the joy of accomplishing the task. 

May we all " do our best and forget the rest." The savior is there to to make our burdens light and to offer his grace. If were do our best, ask for his assistance through prayer, and have the faith to know that he will visit us in afflictions. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Book of Mormon

With all the hubbub surrounding the Book of Mormon, especially with the release of the musical "The Book of Mormon" on broadway. I would like to say that I have found out for myself the truthfulness of this book. I invite everyone who reads this blog to also read the Book of Mormon and take the challenge found on page 529 (Moroni 10:3-5). I do not expect anyone to take my word for it, but to found out for yourself and to do as it directs in James 1:5 and ask God in the name of Christ if it is true. I promise that God will, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Things such as the "The Book of Mormon" musical may entertain for one night, but the book itself with forever bring you closer to Jesus Christ.

For an example of how the Book of Mormon has brought me closer to Christ and helped me to find peace in my life see:  "Looking Toward God"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In a Rut

As I have been sitting here, contemplating about what I should write, absolutely nothing was coming to mind. Strangely, that is the inspiration that I needed. Not knowing what to write about made me think of all times in my life I have been "In a Rut."

When I was in high school I loved football, and I did all I could to be my best at the sport. This entailed spending a lot of time in the weight room. Day in and day out I would strength train by either doing a lot of repetitions with a smaller amount of weight, or a few repetitions with a large amount of weight. At first, I progressed very rapidly. I could feel myself getting stronger, and the amount of repetitions and weight that I was able to lift increased. Over time however, I found that over time the increase became less even though I was still working as hard as I was before. I was "In a Rut." It would get so frustrating. I'd set goals and do all I thought I could to reach them, but to no avail.
I would still progress, but I would progress very very slowly. That is when a wise old man that would work out in the weightroom told me, "If you do what you've always done, you get what you've always got." He explained that if I want to more fully progess, then I needed to change up my workouts and do something new. I had to get my muscles out of their comfort zone. I took his advice to heart and did what he told me to do. Just as he explained, I progressed rapidly again. However, just as before, I would eventually get caught in a rut, but now I knew how to get out of it and it was up to me to make the change. When I would, then I'd progress, and when I wouldn't make the change I wouldn't progress. It was that simple.

Our Heavenly Father has given us a plan to help us progress. He has given us commandments to follow to aid in that progression. Sometimes we feel as though we are stuck in our ways or "In a Rut." It doesn't need to be that way. There is always something that we can improve on in our own lives. Someway for us to progress and be more fully disciples of Jesus Christ. I myself, have many weaknesses that I strive to improve on everyday and with the Lord's help I know they can become strengths. The Lord tells us this when He says, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." (Ether 12:27)

When we feel as though we're in a rut we can ask the Lord what we can do to improve and he will show us. Then, it is up to us to decide whether or not we'll do what He asks us to do. If we take the opportunity to act, and change then we'll see progression and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. If we fail to heed to them we stop our progression.

I know that the Lord truly does help us grow. He loves us and wants us to be the best we can. We'll find that if we turn our lives over to him that He will make a lot more out of us that we ever could.  

Thursday, June 9, 2011

What a Wonderful World

Wind River Canyon
Yesterday morning, I took my travel to Lander, Wyoming. I looked out the window as we drove, and I couldn't help but notice the beauty that surrounded me. We passed through the Wind River Canyon, and the walls of the cliffs on either side trumpeted the magnificence of God's creation. The words of Louis Armstrong filled my mind and I thought, "What a wonderful world."

In a time where iniquity does abound, the love of man is waxing cold, and there are many wars and rumors of wars, we can find peace and joy. Just take a minute and rediscover the majesty of the earth, and how beautiful it really is. Every place on this earth has a beauty all of it's own. As we reminisce we truly feel the power of God's love for us, for he truly does love us.
Sinks Canyon- Lander, Wyoming

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Service: Find Yourself

LDS Missionaries Helping to Cleanup
Flood Damage
Last week, a group of LDS (Mormon) missionaries, myself included, made our way to Roundup, Montana where severe flooding had taken place the previous week. The small town was consumed in a muddy mess, which we had the privilege of making our way through to tear out carpet, knock down dry wall, and move furniture that had been soaked by the waters of the overflowing Mussel Shell River.

Flood in Roundup, MT

As worked for hours in the muck, the knowledge I had already of service was expanded and I found that I was happy.  You may ask, is it possible to be happy when working in a pool of mud and debris for hours on end? I'll tell you from first hand experience that the words of Spencer W. Kimball rang true to me on that day. He said, "The more we serve our fellowmen in appropriate ways, the more substance there is to our souls. We become more significant individuals as we serve others. We become more substantive as we serve others—indeed, it is easier to “find” ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!"

It is true, the tedious tasks that were at hand in Roundup brought happiness to my soul because I knew that we were helping those who were truly in need of our help. I truly realized that as we serve others, we realize our potential. As we freely give of ourselves to help others we emulate the example of Jesus Christ.

Benjamin, a prophet in the Book of Mormon tells us,"... when you are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17) It is so true! As we serve others we bring ourselves closer to our Father in Heaven. As we helped the citizens of Roundup I felt as though Heavenly Father was smiling down on us, pleased with our effort.

Downtown Roundup, MT During Flood

The wonderful thing is that we can all serve. It's not limited to any one group or people. There is always some way to serve. Just smiling at someone who looks as though they are having a rough day, is a great service. There is always service to be done, and every time we help and serve others without wanting or asking for anything in return, it is almost as though you can feel heaven smiling down.

Growing up, it often felt like clouds of darkness were always over me. The pit of depression was often upon me. I was truly lost. I searched for ways to pull myself out. Serving others and losing myself by helping others was the first thing that really ever worked. I noticed that the more I served others the happier I became. Soon the desire to follow Christ came, and the desire to live more principles of the gospel followed. I'm still not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I can honestly say that through serving others, I have found myself.